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What happens when MBTI Type 16 personality is angry? INFJ chooses to have a cold war first, while INFP and ENFJ often cry in anger. No one can win the argument against ENTP!

MBTI 16 personality types react when angry. Which one are you? Among the 16 types of MBTI personality, they represent the classification of extrovert E and introvert I. In fact, it will also affect your emotional performance to some extent. Today, the editor will help you analyze how the MBTI 16 type personality behaves when they are angry. , let’s take a look at which personality type is the sca...

How to use micro-behaviors to read other people’s minds?

Have you ever had the experience that when you are chatting with a person, you always feel that he is a little unnatural and seems to be hiding something? Or have you ever wondered what your friends, colleagues, lovers, etc. are really thinking and feeling at certain moments? If you are interested in these questions, then you need to study microbehavioral psychology. What are microbehaviors? Simp...

Anger that cannot be expressed What are the consequences of suppressing anger for a long time? ⁣

'Isn't it a form of disrespect to be angry?' 'Others will be hurt if they see me angry.' Have you ever tried to suppress your anger for any of the reasons listed above? Anger is actually a normal psychological defense mechanism. Ignoring or suppressing this emotion for a long time will have a negative impact on our interpersonal relationships and health. ⁣ ⁣ Suppression does not mean eliminating ...

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