Categories: Mental/Health


Mental/Health — blog posts

Glass Heart: Understanding, Causes, Characteristics, and Treatment

##What is a "glass heart"? "Glass heart" is a figurative term used to describe those who are emotionally fragile, easily hurt, and overly sensitive. These people have strong emotional reactions to criticism, indifference, or unkind words from others that are as fragile as glass. Glass Heart Level Test: ##Causes of glass heart The formation of glass heart may be related to the following factors: 1....

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Personality disorders are a type of mental illness that affects an individual's thinking, emotions, behavior and interpersonal relationships. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition whose core features are significant instability in relationships, self-image, mood, and behavior. This disorder often involves multiple aspects of the patient's life, and the patient ...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic personality disorder is a psychological term used to describe individuals with extremely self-centered and self-admiring traits. This disorder is often associated with an exaggerated sense of one's own abilities and importance, as well as an inattention to the needs and feelings of others. ##Origin and DefinitionThe concept of narcissism comes from a story in Greek mythology, which te...

Savior Mindset Analysis: The definition, characteristics, effects, and how to change the Savior Mindset.

##What is the savior mentality? The messiah mentality, also known as the "Messiah Complex" or "Savior Complex," is a psychological state in which an individual believes that they have a special mission to save others or the world. This mentality may stem from an individual's sense of inferiority and narcissism, and they may prove their worth and satisfy their inner needs by helping others. In some...

Mental savings accounts: why delayed gratification is so important to us

When we talk about "mental savings accounts," we're not talking about interest in the bank or investment funds. No, this account is a special ledger in our own hearts, which contains a magical currency: delayed gratification. When we are faced with a delicious piece of chocolate cake, or a brand new game console, our brains will immediately produce a strong desire. This desire makes us want to enj...

Glassy personality: fragile or sensitive?

In the world of psychology, we often encounter a variety of personality types. Some people are like indestructible Iron Man, while others are like fragile glass—breakable at a touch. This kind of fragile personality is usually called "glass heart personality". ##What is a glass-hearted personality? "Glass personality" is an informal psychological term used to describe people who are extremely sens...

PsycTest website usage guide: How to switch website language to Chinese version

When some users visit the website, they may not see their local language. For example, when Chinese users visit the website, the website displays English or the language of other countries. If they want to switch to the Chinese version or other languages, they can proceed as follows. operate. When you visit the PsycTest website, if the page is not displayed in your native language, you can easily ...

LGBTQ+ term list

##A ###Abro (sexual orientation and romantic orientation) is a term used to describe people whose sexual orientation and/or romantic orientation changes over time or life experiences. They may use different words to express their identity. ###Ace is a general term used to describe people who have no, irregular, or occasional sexual attractions. This includes asexuals as well as demisexuals and gre...

What is LGBT? One article to help you understand the mystery of gender diversity

LGBT refers to the abbreviation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. Like heterosexual, they are used to describe people's sexual orientation or gender identity. terms of. These terms are explained in more detail below. ##Lesbian A lesbian is a woman who is romantically, sexually, or emotionally attracted to women. Many lesbians prefer to be called lesbians rather than gays. ##Gay Men A gay ...

Dialogue between Tibetan Buddhism and Psychology

This article will introduce some of the connections, exchanges, differences and controversies between Tibetan Buddhism and psychology, and what implications and impacts they have on our lives and minds. Hope you enjoy and benefit from it. ! ##Overview Tibetan Buddhism is an ancient and profound religious and philosophical system that involves Human beings have rich psychological skills and wis...

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