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Glassy personality: fragile or sensitive?

In the world of psychology, we often encounter a variety of personality types. Some people are like indestructible Iron Man, while others are like fragile glass—breakable at a touch. This kind of fragile personality is usually called 'glass heart personality'. What is a glass-hearted personality? 'Glass personality' is an informal psychological term used to describe people who are extremely sens...

MBTI’s best CP combination: INFP+ENFJ

Hello everyone, this is PsycTest, which focuses on providing free online psychological tests. Today we are going to talk about the best CP combination in MBTI: INFP+ENFJ. Do you know why they are the best CP? Do you want to know their relationship mode and sweetness index? Be sure to watch until the end! INFP and ENFJ are idealists in MBTI. They both have rich imaginations, full of faith in huma...

From a psychological perspective, share 20 insights into life

Psychology is the science that studies human psychological activities and behaviors. It can help us better understand ourselves and others, and improve our quality of life and happiness. In this article, I will share 20 life insights from a psychological perspective, hoping to give you some inspiration and thinking. 1. Don’t deny your feelings easily, it is our inner voice. Our feelings are our r...

6 ways of thinking to make your heart extremely strong

Master the following 6 ways of thinking to make your heart extremely strong: 1. Be insensitive and simplify things Many times, we cause ourselves a lot of unnecessary trouble because of our over-sensitivity. We think too much and take other people’s words and actions as hints or comments about ourselves, thus falling into emotions of self-doubt and self-blame. Insensitivity is a way of thinking...

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ISTP - Connoisseur Personality

Virtuoso Personality (ISTP, Virtuoso Personality) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `I` stands for introversion, `S` stands for practicality, `T` stands for reason, and `P` stands for dependence. People with the Connoisseur personality type like to explore things with their hands and eyes. They perceive and experience the world through calm rationalism and spirited cur...

What should I do if my boyfriend’s parents object?

Disapproval from your boyfriend's parents can be annoying, but it's not an insurmountable problem. Here are some suggestions that may be useful to help you resolve your dilemma: Understand and respect the views of your boyfriend's parents: First of all, you must know that your parents' objections are not necessarily directed at you personally, but are based on their own opinions and experiences. ...

How to date someone with depression: A professional guide

Depression is a common psychological problem, affecting approximately 5% of adults worldwide. Many people don't get a proper diagnosis, and many who do get diagnosed don't get proper treatment. If your partner has depression, you may want to make them feel better, or you may feel like you're lost and alone. Being in a relationship with someone who has depression is difficult for both of you. You ...

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