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26 in-depth thoughts on a successful life

Al Ries, the global master of strategic positioning and the first author of 'Positioning', has 26 in-depth thoughts on a successful life, which will help you clear up the fog of life and save you ten years of detours: 1. It doesn’t matter whether you are smart, resourceful, driven, or personable. Don't just look at yourself, look outside, find a good horse and your life will be exciting. 2. To a...

A quiz designed by a Harvard Ph.D. to reveal your attitude towards uncertainty!

Have you ever felt like you were flustered and overwhelmed when faced with an important decision? Do you have such a regret, when you miss a rare opportunity, you will feel regretful and unable to let go? Have you ever had the confusion that when you pursue a big dream, you feel powerless and unable to achieve it? If you suffer from these problems, you may be an ambiguity avoider. What does it me...

The brain feels blue: Where do we place our emotions?

There are many angles to explain depression and anxiety, such as psychological, social, physiological, etc., and the evolutionary angle may be something you have never thought of. Do you think that suffering from depression or anxiety is because your brain is sick? Author Anders Hansen, a psychiatrist, tells you that your brain is actually working pretty well! ! We are all animals We often forg...

Use SWOT analysis to find out personal strengths and opportunities, and quickly find the job and industry that best suits you

'What should I do? I'll graduate in a few months and I don't know what I'm going to do in the future.' 'How about getting a master's degree?' 'Go be a soldier first and then think about it later.' Graduation season is approaching. , are you feeling uneasy about entering the society? I feel even more anxious when I think that my entire resume is blank. In fact, for college students with no work exp...

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