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How to accept compliments from others gracefully?

Have you ever felt embarrassed, unsure, or overwhelmed when others complimented you on your appearance, work, talents, or other aspects? Do you feel like you don’t deserve to be praised, or are you worried that praise will put pressure on you? If your answer is yes, then you may need to learn how to accept compliments gracefully. ! Praise is a positive way of communication that can enhance inter...

Are you always agitated and unable to calm down? How to find inner peace?

Standing in a crowded subway car, you hear the rambling chatter of others. At this moment, you very much wish that you could lie flat on the beach of a distant island country and use the waves to cover up the noise and the restlessness in your heart. It's a pity that if you are lying in bed reading this article, you are probably already a 'little lucky', not to mention the endless sand supporting...

MBTI Sixteen Type Personality Analysis - ESFP

ESFP——Performer Personality Outgoing, kind, receptive, and willing to share joy with others. Likes to act with others and make things happen, including when learning. Be aware of the future development of the event and will be eager to participate. Best at interpersonal skills and possessing complete knowledge, very flexible and able to adapt to others and the environment immediately. A lover of ...

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