Mental savings accounts: why delayed gratification is so important to us

Mental savings accounts: why delayed gratification is so important to us

When we talk about ‘mental savings accounts,’ we’re not talking about interest in the bank or investment funds. No, this account is a special ledger in our own hearts, which contains a magical currency: delayed gratification.

When we are faced with a delicious piece of chocolate cake, or a brand new game console, our brains will immediately produce a strong desire. This desire makes us want to enjoy the pleasure in front of us immediately - after all, who can resist the temptation of that tempting chocolate flavor or the temptation of the game world?

You can think of delayed gratification as a psychological “investment.” Whenever you choose to wait and resist the temptation in front of you, you deposit some ‘psychological gold coins’ into this account. These gold coins will not generate interest in the bank, but they will accumulate interest in your heart.

Psychology tells us that delayed gratification is a very important ability. Not only does it relate to our personal well-being, it also affects our long-term goals and quality of life.

What is delayed gratification?

Delayed gratification, as the name suggests, is whether we can choose to endure temporarily in order to expect greater rewards in the future. This is not only an ability of self-control, but also an investment in the future. We can think of it as a kind of ‘psychological savings’ where we give up some immediate happiness now in exchange for greater benefits in the future.

do you know? Children have a greater ability to save money in their mental savings accounts than adults. When you give a child two pieces of chocolate and tell him, ‘You can eat one now, or you can eat two pieces in the evening.’ What do you think he will choose? He would have no hesitation in choosing to eat two more pieces in the evening. This is the magic of delayed gratification!

**Life Attitude Test: Test how high is your delayed gratification index? **Test address:

Why is delayed gratification important?

  1. Goal Achievement: People who delay gratification are more likely to achieve long-term goals. They are able to work tirelessly and not be swayed by the temptations in front of them.
  2. Mental Health: There is a close relationship between delayed gratification and mental health. People who are able to control their desires and not be swayed by short-term pleasures are generally happier and more content.
  3. Financial Management: Delayed gratification is also related to financial management. If we always choose to satisfy our desires immediately, we may fall into the consumption trap and neglect long-term financial planning.
  4. Self-control: Delayed gratification is a manifestation of self-control. It allows us to learn to wait and not be swayed by the temptations in front of us.
  5. Emotional Management: Sometimes, we regret because of our impulse. Delaying gratification can help us manage our emotions better and avoid regret.

How to develop the ability to delay gratification?

  1. Awareness: First, we need to be aware of our desires and temptations. Only when we realize this can we consciously choose to delay gratification.
  2. Goal Setting: Set clear long-term goals and make a plan. This will help us more easily resist the temptations in front of us.
  3. Reward yourself: When we successfully delay gratification, give ourselves some small rewards. This increases our motivation.


Delaying gratification is not a simple choice, but a kind of wisdom. It allows us to better balance the present and the future, making our lives more fulfilling and meaningful. So, next time you are faced with a piece of chocolate cake, ask yourself: ‘Should I choose to enjoy it now, or endure it temporarily for the sake of a better future?’ Remember to add some coins to your mental savings account. They will provide you with a valuable benefit when you need it most.

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