Stereotypes: How your brain tricks you

Have you ever had this experience: when you hear people from a certain area, you will think of certain characteristics of them, such as their accent, personality traits, favorite foods, etc.; when you see people from a certain profession When you meet people of a certain gender, you will think of some of their abilities, such as surgeons must be smart, teachers must be patient, actors must be very talented, etc.; when you meet people of a certain gender, you will think of some of their abilities. Roles, such as men must be strong, women must be gentle, homosexuals must be effeminate, etc.

These ideas are what we often call stereotypes. It is a generalized and fixed view that we form about a certain type of people or things. It is a psychological phenomenon that arises in our social cognition process. What role do stereotypes serve? How did it form? What impact will it have on us? Today we will discuss these issues.

What is the role of stereotypes?

Although stereotypes sound bad, they actually have some positive effects. First, stereotypes can help us simplify and speed up the processing of social information. We are faced with a large amount of complex and changing social information every day. If we need to have a detailed and accurate understanding of every person or thing, our brains will be overloaded or even unable to cope. Therefore, we need a simplified classification method to classify different people or things into different categories and give them some common characteristics. This can reduce our cognitive load and improve our cognitive efficiency. For example, when we see a person wearing a white coat, mask and gloves, and holding a scalpel, we will immediately think that he is a surgeon without knowing his specific name, age, education, etc. information.

Second, stereotypes can help us predict and guide our interactions with others. When we have certain stereotypes about a certain category of people or things, we will use these stereotypes to predict what kind of behavior or reaction they may have, and adjust our own behavior or reaction based on these predictions. , to achieve better communication effects. For example, when we meet a foreigner, we choose appropriate language, etiquette, topics, etc. based on our stereotypes of his country or culture to avoid offense or misunderstanding.

How are stereotypes formed?

Stereotypes are not innate, but are gradually formed and developed in our interactions with the social environment. There are mainly the following ways to form stereotypes:

  • Acquired through direct experience. This is the most direct and effective way to form stereotypes. When we have direct contact with certain people or certain groups, we observe and summarize some of their common characteristics and fixate these characteristics to form stereotypes. For example, when we see surgeons as men many times, we form a stereotype that surgeons are men.
  • Acquired through indirect experience. This is the most common and pervasive way of forming stereotypes. When we have no direct experience with people or groups we have never met, we form stereotypes based on indirect data and information. These indirect materials and information include other people's evaluations, rumors, media reports, cultural works, etc. For example, when we see surgeons in TV series or novels as being handsome, smart and capable, we will form a stereotype that surgeons are handsome, smart and capable.
  • Acquired through the socialization process. This is the most subtle and profound way to form stereotypes. When we live and study in different social environments from childhood to adulthood, we will unknowingly accept and internalize some social norms and values, which often include stereotypes about different people or groups. For example, when we continue to receive concepts from family, school, society, etc. that men and women are different, that men are superior to women, that men are strong and women are weak, etc., we will form a stereotype that men are more suitable than women for difficult jobs such as being a surgeon. and high-risk jobs.

What impact will stereotypes have on us?

Although stereotypes have some positive effects, they also have many negative effects. Mainly manifested in the following aspects:

  • Affects our perception and evaluation of others. When we have stereotypes about a certain category of people or things, we tend to use these stereotypes to explain their behaviors or characteristics and ignore their individual differences and situational factors, resulting in perceptual errors and bias. For example, when we see a female surgeon, we tend to assume that she is not as professional or capable as a male surgeon and ignore her personal background and performance.
  • Affects our interactions and communication with others. When we have stereotypes about a certain category of people or things, we tend to predict how they might behave or react according to these stereotypes, and adjust our own behaviors or reactions based on these predictions. , leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in interactions. For example, when we interact with a female surgeon, we tend to adopt a dismissive or skeptical attitude toward her and base our opinions or needs on this attitude, causing her to feel disrespected or distrusted. .
  • Affects our own cognition and behavior. When we have stereotypes about the categories to which we belong, we tend to evaluate our abilities or characteristics according to these stereotypes, and adjust our cognition or behavior based on these evaluations, leading to self-actualization or self-handicapping. effect. For example, when a woman wants to become a surgeon, she will be influenced by society's stereotypes about female surgeons. If she sees female surgeons as a positive role model, she will study and work harder. , to prove her ability and value; if she thinks that being a female surgeon is a negative label, she will lack confidence and motivation even more, and even give up her dream.

How to break stereotypes?

Since stereotypes have so many negative effects, how can we break them? Here are some methods that may be effective:

  • Increase direct contact with different categories of people or groups. This is the most effective and direct way to break stereotypes. When we have more and more in-depth communication and cooperation with different categories of people or groups, we will find that they are not what we imagined, but have their own personalities and characteristics, thereby changing our stereotypes of them. . For example, when we have more and in-depth contact with some female surgeons, we will find that they are not worse than male surgeons, but have their own specialties and advantages.
  • Expand your own information sources and horizons. This is the most common and common way to break stereotypes. When we obtain more and more comprehensive information from different channels and perspectives, we will find that different categories of people or groups are not single and fixed, but diverse and changing, thereby revising our stereotypes about them. For example, when we get more information about female surgeons from different media and cultural works, we will find that they do not only have images of being handsome, smart and capable, but have a variety of images and story.
  • Develop your own critical thinking and reflection skills. This is the most subtle and profound way to break stereotypes. When we critically analyze and reflect on the stereotypes we hold about ourselves and society, we will find that these stereotypes are often caused by certain prejudices, misunderstandings, interests and other factors, and do not conform to facts and logic. , thereby abandoning or changing these stereotypes. For example, when we critically analyze and reflect on the stereotypes we hold about female surgeons, we will find that these stereotypes are often caused by certain factors such as sexism, social norms, and cultural traditions. , does not conform to facts and logic.


Stereotype is a common and complex psychological phenomenon, which has some positive effects and many negative effects. We should take some effective methods to break stereotypes on the basis of recognizing the existence and impact of stereotypes, so as to achieve fairer, more harmonious, and more diverse social cognition and interaction.

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