What does ABO mean? What are pheromones? How to take a free ABO gender pheromone test?

What does ABO mean? What does pheromone mean? Were you confused when you first learned about terms like “ABO” and “pheromone”? In fact, we also mentioned in the previous article what does ABO mean? Today we mainly talk about what ABO pheromone means? What are the pheromones and how are they tested? In order to facilitate everyone’s reading, we will briefly introduce the meaning of ABO!

What does ABO mean?

In traditional gender concepts, our common categories are male and female. However, in European and American fan circles, a richer and more complex gender setting—ABO gender setting—came into being.

ABO is the abbreviation of three English words: Alpha, Beta, Omega. This setting is inspired by the class model of wolf society. Let’s explore the meaning of ABO together:

  1. Alpha:
  • Alpha is the most powerful gender type. They are aggressive and often assume the role of leader. Alpha’s aura is strong and gives people a strong feeling.
  • In fan works, Alpha is often the protagonist or important character, and their presence injects vitality into the story.
  1. Beta:
  • Beta is the common gender type. Their setting is a bit like the worker bees in a hive, with the largest number of people.
  • Beta plays an ordinary but important role in the fan world and is the crowd in the story.
  1. Omega:
  • Omega is responsible for reproduction, but has a relatively weak constitution. They are weaker than the other genders, both psychologically and physically.
  • In fan works, Omega often becomes the center of emotional entanglements and the weakling in the story.

ABO gender setting not only enriches fan creations, but also allows us to reflect on the diversity of human nature. So, when you hear that a certain young lady is ‘A’, now you know that she has a strong aura and exudes a strong sense of aggression.

What does ABO pheromone mean?

Have you read ABO novels? The word ‘pheromone’ that is frequently mentioned among them actually has a mysterious phenomenon in real life. A woman is unconsciously attracted to a man even though she has no particular liking for his appearance or personality. This strange attraction seems to transcend reason, but behind it lies a chemical mystery.

The so-called ‘pheromone’, also known as ‘pheromone’, is a general term for chemical substances that affect individuals of the same species. Insects use pheromones for various communications, but are humans also affected by this mysterious substance?

The relationship between ABO pheromone taste and personality

The type of pheromone flavor appears to be related to an individual’s personality:

  1. Milk flavor: A soft and gentle personality is usually accompanied by pheromones that are full of milk flavor. This smell makes people feel close and relaxed, as if they are in a warm embrace.
  2. Peach fragrance: Some personalities may exude the fragrance of peach. This pheromone makes people feel happy, sweet, and like they are walking in a garden.
  3. Cold scent of cedar: People with cold and reserved personalities will often have the cool scent of cedar. This flavor feels mysterious and elusive.
  4. Rich aroma of wine: Powerful, cold and arrogant superiors usually exude a strong aroma of wine. This pheromone seems to convey authority and confidence.

What are ABO pheromones?

From the smell of pheromones, we may be able to guess a person’s personality traits. But that’s only part of the puzzle. The mechanism of action of pheromones, the differences between different genders and their impact on human emotions. The common types of abo pheromone flavors are as follows:

Omega’s more common pheromones:

  • Sweetness: milk, honey, biscuits, cream, sandalwood, oranges, peaches and other common fruits
  • Freshness: watermelon, peach blossom, grass, pearl powder, tea, pure water, oxygen
  • Flowers of Kaolin: Lotus, Epiphyllum, Lily, Narcissus
  • Weird series: durian, bean paste, braised pork, hot pot, earthy flavor

Alpha is a common pheromone:

Top explosive series: Musk, Spirits, Ice

  • Eye-catching series: scorching sun, tobacco, leather
  • Mild type: ocean, wilderness, herbs, tea, earth, pine and cypress, etc. wood types
  • Motherline: Narcissus and other floral fragrances
  • Weird series: coke, raw meat, body odor

How to conduct a free ABO gender pheromone test?

There are currently many ABO pheromone tests, but most of them require payment! If you are interested in ABO pheromones, PsycTest offers a free ABO gender pheromone test! Click to enter the test

Link to this article: https://www.psyctest.cn/article/PDGmoAxl/

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