A true interpretation of MBTI personality type: INTJ - the mastermind

MBTI personality type: INTJ-Planner

INTJs are analytical and problem-solvers who are eager to use innovative thinking to improve systems and processes, and they see potential for improvement whether at work, at home, or in their personal lives.


INTJ personality type

INTJs are typically very intelligent and enjoy logical reasoning and solving complex problems. They approach life by analyzing the theories behind what they see, and often focus on thoughtful study of the world around them. INTJs are attracted to logical systems and feel uncomfortable with the unpredictable nature and emotions of others. They are usually independent and selective in their relationships, preferring to associate with those who stimulate their intellectual abilities.

What does INTJ stand for?

INTJ is one of the 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) created by creators Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. INTJ stands for introversion, intuition, thinking, and judgment, four core personality traits based on the work of psychologist CG Jung.

Each letter in the INTJ code represents a key personality trait of this type. INTJs like to be alone, are energetic (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), are able to make decisions based on logic and rationality (Thinking), and are better at planning and organizing than being spontaneous and flexible (Judging).

INTJs are sometimes called mastermind personalities due to their strategic and logical way of thinking. Other commonly used titles include conceptual planner and architect.

INTJ Values and Motivations

INTJs have a keen eye for systems and strategies, and often understand the world as a chessboard that needs to be navigated. They want to understand how systems work and how events unfold: INTJs often have a unique ability to foresee logical consequences. They like to get deeply involved in a project or idea and focus on achieving their goals.

INTJs crave knowledge and strive to continually improve their abilities; they are often perfectionists and have extremely high standards for their own and others’ performance. They tend to have a strong interest in self-improvement and are lifelong learners, always looking to increase their base of information and awareness.

How others view INTJ

INTJs are typically reserved and serious, spending a lot of time thinking and being curious about the world around them. Eager to know the rationale behind what they see and hear, they thoroughly examine the information they receive and give their answers after careful, complex consideration. INTJs think critically, clearly, and often have ideas about how to complete tasks more efficiently. They may state their views directly and ignore details, often communicating about larger strategies.

Although INTJs are generally not very enthusiastic or gregarious, they behave confidently around others based on their intelligence and security. They state their ideas confidently and, once they reach a conclusion, expect others to see the wisdom in their perceptions. They are often perfectionists and like intellectually challenging environments. They’re keen to discuss interesting ideas, but can get bogged down by their no-holds-barred attitude: if someone’s beliefs don’t make sense, INTJs won’t usually hesitate to point this out.

For more information: [‘Reading People: Deciphering the Code of Human Behavior’](https://union-click.jd.com/jdc?e=618%7Cpc%7C&p=JF8BATcJK1olXgEDUF5eCk4QBV8IGloTWQUBVFlVCUkeA19MRANLAjZbERscSkAJHTdNTwcKARlZAUEPVhcJRT9LT0VSBVJES w4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDk8UAG8PE1oXVAYyHF4PCBl_X2xreFx9NAVZEBoeQw9fRWMEK14VXAc KXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlwWXg8BXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0gWAWoJHl8lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVAAAUFldD0ILA2sNHV gWQQYFXVtaD0gWA2YLGVklXwcDUFdtOHtifjFRZj8UD2AGKQIlSS5xemZ9TSASWVFsVi0iCS9VBWhw fR9jIGFkNh8DOA)

How rare is the INTJ personality type?

INTJ composition:

  • 2.6% of the total population
  • 3% of men
  • 2.2% women

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INTJ Celebrities

Famous INTJs include:

  • Jane Austin
    -Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Dwight Eisenhower
  • mark Zuckerberg
  • Alan Greenspan
  • Ulysses S. Grant
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Al Gore
  • John Maynard Keynes
  • Ayn Rand
    -Isaac Asimov
  • Lewis Carroll
  • Cormac McCarthy
    -Sir Isaac Newton

Facts about INTJ

Interesting facts about INTJs:

  • In terms of personality trait measures, scores were cautious, diligent, logical, prudent, confident and methodical.
  • Among the least likely types of heart disease and heart disease.
  • Least likely of all types to believe in a higher spiritual power.
  • One of the two types with the highest college GPA.
  • Among the highest earning categories.
    -Personal values include achievement.
  • Least likely of all types to say they value home/family, financial security, relationships and friendships, and community service.
  • MBA students and female small business owners are overrepresented.
  • Common in scientific or technical fields, computing careers, and legal careers.

INTJ Hobbies and Interests

Popular hobbies for INTJs include reading, cultural activities, taking classes, admiring art, computer and video games, and independent sports such as swimming, backpacking, or running marathons.

INTJ Strengths

strategy. INTJs can not only see a plan or course of action, but they can have multiple alternatives ready for various situations that may arise. They take a broad, future-focused view of possibilities and potential and are detailed and logical enough to spot holes, gaps, and inconsistencies.

Innovation. Although INTJs may appear stubborn on the surface, they are actually very receptive to and supportive of change and innovation, and this openness helps improve their problem-solving abilities. They believe that most people, processes and systems have the potential for improvement and therefore seek new and creative ways to achieve this change.

determination. INTJs are respected for their courage and determination in the face of challenges. They are characterized by being very determined, even ruthless, in whatever they do, and not afraid of taking on really difficult challenges. Rather than making them feel discouraged or frustrated, this will make them feel excited and uplifted. They trust their own judgment and their ability to solve problems and overcome challenges in their personal or professional lives.

Willingness to Learn. INTJs not only want to change external things and other people, but are also committed to the work of self-improvement. Although they typically don’t pay attention to their feelings and emotional states for long periods of time, they are fully committed to self-improvement efforts. They are lifelong learners and are always looking for ways to increase their knowledge and skills.

INTJ Weaknesses

Superiority. The INTJ’s strength in intelligence, logic, and rationality is indisputable and definitely one of their main strengths, and they are confident in their ideas. However, when these strengths evolve into a superiority complex, they can turn into weaknesses. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon among INTJs. They can be arrogant, condescending, and impatient with people who don’t catch on as quickly as they’d like. They can be particularly harsh and intolerant of those who display weaker abilities for logic and rational thinking.

Emotional distance. INTJs are known for having low emotional intelligence and a reluctance to engage emotionally (either their own or others’). They prefer to conceptualize the world on a logical, rational basis and are often impatient with emotional issues. They have difficulty accepting and responding to the emotional cues and needs of others. This can stifle their relationships, hinder their own growth and development, and ultimately keep others at a distance (at least).

perfectionism. While an INTJ’s meticulousness can be a strength, as in all things, excessive pursuit of perfection can easily become a weakness. For INTJs, this natural pickiness can quickly turn into perfectionism, at which point they can be very persistent and painstaking. They generally have strict standards, and this criticism may not only apply to themselves, but to others as well.

unbalanced. The INTJ puts work first and will be very focused on his or her career. But this comes at a cost, which is that too little time may be spent on family, other relationships, and leisure. INTJs can easily find their priorities out of whack, and relationship problems result. While the drive to succeed professionally will certainly pay off, it may have consequences for the rest of their lives.


Growth and Development of INTJ

To reach their full potential, INTJs should:

Expand yourself. INTJs are internal processors, accustomed to finding the right answer or best plan in their own minds. However, this constant internal focus may cause the INTJ to miss important details and the potentially insightful and helpful contributions of others. To improve their ideas and plans, INTJs should seek input from friends, family, and colleagues. Although INTJs are confident in their abilities, talking to others can breathe new life into well-worn methods and help uncover blind spots.

introspection. INTJs do not naturally introspect deeply or spend a lot of time considering their emotional state. They are often preoccupied with many of their thoughts and abstract concepts, but when it comes to examining themselves and their feelings, they tend to avoid these activities. Without understanding their own blind spots and character flaws, INTJs can easily find fault with others. One solution is to work on cultivating humility and compassion.

balance. It is easy for INTJs to become completely immersed in a designed job, project, or plan. This may be exciting for the individual in the moment, but may have consequences for personal well-being and relationships in the long term. INTJs should strive to achieve a better work-life balance. As mentioned, this also means taking time to check in with your emotions and reactions. It doesn’t come naturally, but it can help relationships tremendously.

Choose a fight. There is no need to argue every point, although the INTJ’s thinking nature will compel him or her to do so. This is the default response to their perfectionistic, hyper-logical nature. Therefore, in order to gain greater control over all areas of life, individuals need to understand that sometimes you have to let go of the little things so that you can accomplish the big things in the long run.

**If it’s not broken…even if it is. ** INTJs may need to resist the desire to constantly improve and change. Their view of the potential and possibilities of all products, systems, and people leads to a desire to always be fixing and “improving.” However, what they may not realize is that not everyone wants to be fixed, and not all companies want greater efficiency.

INTJ at work

At work, INTJs excel at creating and implementing innovative solutions to problem analysis. They naturally see the possibilities for improvement in complex systems and are organized and determined in implementing ideas for change.

INTJs are interested in abstractions and theory, but most importantly in turning their ideas into reality. They often prefer to work independently or with small teams, taking careful strategic steps to implement change.

INTJs like to use logical systems that they can deeply understand. They enjoy the challenge of understanding complex ideas and want to learn how to improve the way they work.

The ideal work environment for an INTJ is one with colleagues who are logical, efficient, structured, analytical, intelligent, and productive. The ideal work environment for planners allows them to use their analytical skills, solve problems in challenging environments, and take responsibility for implementing their ideas to create efficient, innovative systems.

For more information: [‘Self-cultivation of Type 16 Personality’](https://union-click.jd.com/jdc?e=618%7Cpc%7C&p=JF8BATcJK1olXwUHUVpVCEwQAV8IGloTXgEEXVtdCUMSAl9MRANLAjZbERscSkAJHTdNTwcKARlZAUEPVhcJRT9LT0VSBVJESw4 PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDkgQBWYNG1odWAcyHx0rdA8QYRhqXFhIIxhVKikEDzEVRWMEK14VXAcKXV ZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGFIUVQcBVG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD04XAW8BHFIlWgYLZ AUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQQFXV5UDU8LA24PEl4RQQY Q5aKjgjOA) MBTI is a unique personality analysis method. This book uses it as a tool to explore how type 16 people can improve themselves. Provide proven methods and growth plans that can be used immediately. After reading this book, you can easily know what type your personality is. In your career, what are your strengths that you can leverage and what weaknesses you need to control. The important thing is that it is a guide tailor-made for you to help you get rid of confusion and become the ideal self in your mind! You can also teach yourself through this book! It takes a short time to understand what type other people are. Know the other person’s preferences and characteristics, and know whether the other person is a suitable friend, work partner or partner for you!

INTJ Career Statistics

  • On average, self-employed people earn more
  • The second smallest group of all personality types least likely to report being a stay-at-home mom/husband

INTJs are best suited for careers that allow them to use logic and sequential reasoning to solve interesting problems. While typically drawn to STEM fields, INTJs can also find their niche in business or even the arts. However, a common characteristic of satisfied INTJs is careers that provide intellectual challenge.

Popular careers for INTJs include:

  • Business, Finance and Mathematics: Accountants or auditors, financial analysts, logisticians, management consultants, market research analysts, financial advisors, top executives, actuaries, mathematicians, statisticians
  • Science and Health: Atmospheric scientist, biochemist or biophysicist, chemist or materials scientist, economist, environmental scientist, medical scientist, microbiologist, political scientist, pharmacist, physician or surgeon
  • Architecture and Engineering: Aeronautical Engineers, Architects, Biomedical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Computer Hardware Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Environmental Engineers, Mechanical Engineers
  • Computer and Information Technology: Computer programmers, computer systems analysts, network administrators, software developers, computer and IS administrators, computer scientists
  • Art, Design and Communication: Industrial designers, editors, translators, photographers, technical writers, writers
  • Legal: Judge or Hearing Officer, Attorney, Paralegal

INTJ in the team

INTJs are strategically focused analytical team members. They often have a keen eye for systems and how to improve them. They have clear ideas, precise analysis, and are good at determining team goals. They are able to synthesize complex ideas and often see a unified plan of action. INTJs adopt a typically critical approach and analyze ideas and suggestions with detached, objective logic. They want the freedom to improve existing systems and bring out the best in teams that support change.

INTJs are open to ideas and consider team members’ perspectives in a fair way. However, their logical analysis is firm and clear, and they have no patience for nonsense. They are less likely to provide support or guarantees to contributors they deem useless. Their reasoning skills are persuasive and they often engage teammates based on the clarity of their thinking. However, they can cause friction with team members who focus on relationships; masterminds seek a free exchange of ideas rather than personal connections.

INTJ as a leader

In leadership positions, INTJs are planners and problem solvers with strategic and analytical thinking. They are good at making tough decisions and solving complex problems. Masterminds are good at managing projects that create efficiencies or realize a vision for innovation, and while they are often reluctant to manage others, they will take over if no other leader steps up. As leaders, they are democratic and hands-off: they generally tend to share overall goals and let their subordinates decide how to accomplish tasks.

INTJs value competence and decisiveness and may sometimes neglect to listen to differing opinions once their minds are made up. While they focus on creating logical and innovative solutions, they can sometimes overlook the details of the plan, leaving their team wondering how things will be done.

Careers to avoid for INTJs

It’s important to note that any personality type can be successful in any career. However, some careers are well-suited to the INTJ’s talents and preferred work styles, while others require patterns of thinking and behavior that are not innate to this type. Careers that require planners to operate outside of their natural preferences can be stressful or exhausting, and are often unattractive to INTJs who are choosing a career.

Through data collected from surveys of the general population, the following occupations were found to be unpopular among INTJs:

💔 💔 💔
Receptionist Hotel Secretary Secretary
Telemarketer Entertainment worker Teacher’s assistant
Preschool teachers Home health aides Production workers
Advertising Sales Agency Dental Hygienist Practical Nurse
Medical Assistant Nursing Assistant Social Worker

INTJ and other personality types


The following types of people are more likely to share values, interests, and general lifestyles with an INTJ, although they don’t necessarily agree on everything, and there’s no guarantee they’ll always get along. However, these people are more likely to feel relaxed and rapport with each other and have a lot in common.

  • ISTJ
  • INTP
  • INTJ
  • ENTJ

Interesting differences

The following types of people can be considered similar in personality to INTJs, but there are some key differences that may make them particularly interesting to watch. INTJs may find these types of people fascinating and be interested in getting to know them. Relationships between INTJs and these types should have a good balance of common ground and opportunities to challenge each other.

  • INFP
  • INFJ
  • ENTP
  • ENFJ

Potential additions

INTJs may not feel a direct connection to the following types of people, but after getting to know each other, they may find that they have some important things in common and things they can teach each other. Although these types of people may not initially appeal to INTJs, their relationships have great potential for complementation and mutual learning.

  • ISTP
  • ESTP
  • ESTJ
  • ENFP

Challenge the Opposite

The following types of people are most likely to have personality clashes and conflicts with INTJs, but also have the best opportunities for growth. Because these types have fundamentally different values and motivations than INTJs, initially, it may seem impossible to relate. But because they are so different and their strengths are the INTJ’s weaknesses, they can learn a lot from each other if they can form a relationship.

  • ISFP
  • ISFJ
  • ESFP
  • ESFJ

INTJ in love

In relationships, INTJs are loyal but independent. INTJs are almost scientific when it comes to choosing a mate, and once they find a match that meets their exacting requirements, they become loyal partners. They usually have a clear idea of how to build strong relationships and are steadfast in their pursuit of this ideal.

INTJs are often passionate about self-improvement and encourage the pursuit of goals and intellectual growth in their partners. However, they usually see no need for frivolous feelings or romance and feel that their loyalty should be unquestionable. They are more focused on serving their partners through hard work and resourceful problem solving rather than being preoccupied with their emotions.

Partners of INTJs often find them difficult to read, and indeed difficult to express emotions; they find the process of exploring emotions too confusing and drawn out. They enjoy solving difficult problems, but are often overwhelmed when faced with illogical and unpredictable personal problems.

INTJs value a partner who allows them to achieve their goals independently, and a partner who appreciates their efficiency, insight, and ability to provide creative solutions to problems.

INTJ as a parent

As parents, INTJs are loyal and supportive. They set strict limits and provide constant stimulation, but within this structure, their children have a large degree of freedom to explore their own interests and potential. They encourage their children’s intellectual pursuits and enjoy sharing knowledge.

INTJs enjoy the process of nurturing young minds and derive much satisfaction from parenting. They hope to raise children who are independent thinkers, productive, capable and self-sufficient.

For more information: [‘Please Understand Me: Kelsey’s Personality Type Analysis’](https://union-click.jd.com/jdc?e=618%7Cpc%7C&p=JF8BATcJK1olXQAKXVxbCEsVAl8IGloSVQMLUFheDk0UB19MRANLAjZbERscSkAJHTdNTwcKARlZAUEPVhcJRT9LT0VSBVJ ESw4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cD0MSCmsOGF0TXgIyVh08FjBHBTZtSRMVXkcDCylDdg1ERWMEK14VXA cKXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlodWgEBXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0oQC24PH10lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQUHUVhcDkwLA28O HVoVQQYFXVtaD0oQBGgOHl0lXwcDUFdtOHtgaBldSQl1DgdhPy0BWixxeGt_UiBWPURsVjkuYT9s fQltGgtKNVVpAg4JOA)

INTJ Communication Style

INTJs are direct and detached in their communication. They often naturally see how things could be done better and express their criticism in a straightforward, logical way. They are usually independent and calm; they care less about being liked or appreciated as they value competence and thoughtfulness. Their communications are often thoughtful, insightful, and strategic. They are often good at planning for the future and providing overall analysis to improve the system.

Path of Discovery

If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s MBTI Zone! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest’s MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let’s discover more exciting content together!

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