MBTI type 16 personality analysis - ESTJ

ESTJ——Big Masculine Personality

Pragmatic, truthful, fact-oriented, with entrepreneurial or technical talent. Don't like abstract theory; most like to learn and apply things immediately. Enjoys organizing and managing activities and focuses on acting in the most efficient manner to achieve results. Decisive, detail-oriented and quick to make decisions - an excellent administrator. Will ignore the feelings of others. Like to be a leader or business executive.


Feature Overview:

ESTJ stands for: E Extraversion + S Sensing + T Thinking + J Judging. ESTJ people are friendly, straightforward and energetic; capable, efficient and organized; sensitive to reality and skeptical of new and unproven ideas; honest and forthright; quick to make decisions, stubborn, conservative, conscientious and reliable .

Features detailed explanation:

Be practical, pay attention to reality, and pay attention to facts. Be decisive and make practical decisions quickly. Good at organizing projects and people to get things done and achieve the goal in the most efficient way possible. Ability to pay attention to details of daily routine tasks. Have a clear set of logical standards, follow them systematically, and expect others to follow them as well. Will implement the plan with a tougher attitude.

ESTJ-type people work efficiently, are self-responsible, supervise the work of others, allocate and dispose of resources reasonably, have clear priorities, and are well organized; can formulate and abide by rules, and prefer to work in companies with sound systems, clear hierarchies, and relatively stable systems; tend to He prefers to choose a more pragmatic business, focusing on tangible products; he likes to win with attitude at work; he does not place special emphasis on the work industry or interests, and views every job from a professional perspective. ESTJs are great at getting things done; they like to manipulate situations and make things happen; they have a sense of responsibility and keep their promises. They like organization and can remember and organize many details. They begin to achieve their goals in a timely manner and as efficiently and systematically as possible. ESTJs are forced to make decisions. They often base their conclusions on their own past experiences. They are objective, organized and analytical, and have strong reasoning skills. In fact, nothing could convince them other than logic.

At the same time, ESTJ type people are very realistic, thoughtful and practical. They are more interested in real things rather than intangible things such as abstract ideas and theories. They tend not to be interested in things that they think have no practical value. They know what is going on around them and their primary concern is the present. Because ESTJs live by a fixed set of rules, they are persistent and dependable. They tend to be traditional and interested in preserving existing institutions. Although emotional life and social activities are not as important to them as other aspects of life, they remain stubborn about family relationships. Not only do they judge others easily, but they are also organized disciplinarians.


ESTJ type people are straightforward, friendly and gregarious. Often they understand things easily because they believe that what you see is what you get. For ESTJ type people, the most important thing is to do the right things and grasp the development of things. ESTJ people pay attention to order and continuity in doing things. Consistent with their extroverted personality, they are enthusiastic about the organization of people, that is, the supervision and management of people. Although they prefer to organize and mobilize people according to their own theoretical and tactical agendas, they are willing to abide by certain rules, such as traditional conventions and orders from above.

ESTJ people are gregarious. They seek the company of like-minded people in clubs, cultural groups, churches, and other service organizations. Like all other SJ types, they seek a sense of belonging. Therefore, family life is a matter of great concern to ESTJs, and attending weddings, funerals, and family gatherings are essential activities for them.

Tradition is important to ESTJs. Holidays, birthdays, festivals are all things they remember and are sure to celebrate with grandeur. ESTJ people like to trace their roots back to their respected ancestors, which not only expresses their respect for the family, but also finds a sense of belonging.

Providing services is essentially a reflection of responsibility, which is another concern of ESTJ people. They enjoy giving and receiving excellent service. ESTJ businessmen who provide reliable services greatly improve their image.

ESTJs value work ethics. They believe that they should strive to achieve power, position and prestige at work. Laziness is not accepted by them, much less appreciated. ESTJ people are outspoken and principled; as long as they think it is right, they dare to stand up and speak even in the face of overwhelming force.

Suitable areas:


ESTJs are often political brokers, or politicians who pull the strings behind the scenes. They may be the robber capitalists who control America's financial dynasties. What they believe in is the philosophy of the Mafia: My territory, my people. They are the Hell's Angels, the union leaders, the kind of people who put themselves in danger to survive. They are strong-willed but gentle-hearted. They are business leaders who hold control with one hand and the principle of fairness with the other. They are developers of condominiums and have taken the lead in providing housing for the homeless.

Suitable for careers:

Company CEO, Military Officer, Budget Analyst, Pharmacist, Real Estate Broker, Insurance Broker, Teacher (Trade/Business), Property Manager, Bank Officer, Project Manager, Database Manager, Information Director, Logistics and Supply Manager, Business operation consultants, securities brokers, computer analysts, insurance agents, general contractors, factory supervisors, employees of large and medium-sized foreign-funded enterprises, business managers, middle-level managers (mostly distributed in finance, operations, logistics procurement, sales management, project management, Factory management, personnel administration departments), professional managers, directors and owners of various small and medium-sized enterprises

Excellent Leadership:

If you are a macho type, you are an outstanding and respected individual among others because you can express what is in your heart without causing commotion. Of course, those who respect you may feel intimidated because they don't see your softer side: the loyalty you give only to those who deserve it, the loyalty you give to supporting and protecting your friends, family, and country. . When you are in love, love is a giving process that must be taken seriously. Once you give your all to that person, you have decided that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. You are also the type of person who likes to control everything in your life, including your love life. You'll most likely be the one who plans most of the dates (unless you're dating an equally dominant Field Marshal or Macho Man) and the one who takes care of the household after marriage.

Because of your direct approach, you may unintentionally hurt your partner's feelings. This happens especially if your partner is one of the Feeling love types. Even so, you don't see your outspoken tone as a relationship barrier, and you don't mean to hurt the other person. You're just interacting with your partner in a realistic way, and you want to cut through the red tape so that you can create a successful relationship, marriage, and family life together.


If you are a macho type, you can meet men anywhere and at any time, but many men seem to be scared away by your direct attitude. No matter where you go, you always meet men who are easily frightened. They can't see through the gentleness behind your ’tough’ exterior.

Your wisest choice is an alpha male or a field marshal (ENTJ), as long as he is not too strong in his intuitive bias. If your Field Marshal is a highly intuitive type, he may gradually become bored with your practical side, and you may eventually drive yourself crazy with his crazy plans and designs.

The advantage of being in a relationship with one of these two types of men is that you can enjoy a high standard of life as a result. Both of them are probably well-educated and on the fast track to success. The disadvantage is that you and your significant other may compete or compete with each other. A battle of minds may ignite to determine which of you is the most accomplished.

If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s MBTI Zone! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest's MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let's discover more exciting content together!

For ESTJ personality, we have specially launched a paid reading version of ‘ESTJ Advanced Personality File’ on WeChat public account (psyctest). The advanced personality profile is more detailed and more advanced than the free interpretation, aiming to further meet your individual needs and expectations.

Link to this article: https://www.psyctest.cn/article/OLxN2xn9/

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