Revealing the true portrayal of the 16 MBTI personalities in the office

Revealing the true portrayal of the 16 MBTI personalities in the office

Do you know what it would be like if 16 MBTI personalities worked in the same company? Today, we will reveal this interesting topic and see if your colleagues or boss think the same as you! ##What is MBTI MBTI is a personality classification method based on psychology. It divides people’s personalities into 16 types. Each type is represented by four letters, which respectively represent people’s tendencies in four aspects. The four aspects are: - Extroversion (E) or introversion (I): Indicates whether people prefer to communicate with the outside world or prefer their own inner world. - Feeling (S) or intuition (N): Indicates whether people rely more on concrete facts and details, or on abstract concepts and imagination. - Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): Indicates whether people are more inclined to use logic and rationality to make decisions, or whether they are more inclined to use emotions and values ​​to make decisions. - Judgment (J) or perception (P): Indicates whether people prefer planning and order, or flexibility and freedom. ##The latest free MBTI personality test If you want to know which type you are, you can take PsycTest for free It only takes 10 minutes to get an accurate result. So, if 16 types of people all work in the same company, what will they look like? Let’s take a look! ##ISTJ: Logisticians are straight men and straight women. They are serious on the outside but playful on the inside. They like to use various coupons to figure out the most economical takeout plan. Their best job is making various reports. ##ESTJ: The general manager is a popular person in the office. They can maintain fitness habits after work. They are unwilling to participate in unnecessary competition. They only want to improve their abilities. They will smile happily every time they see their account balance. ##ESFJ: Executives are warm-hearted people in the office. They often take the initiative to invite everyone to have afternoon tea. They are good at using beautiful charts to display work results, which can make their bosses very satisfied with them. ##ISTP: Connoisseurs are the invisible people in the office. They can always come up with all kinds of excuses to ask for leave. They don’t understand why their colleagues always ask them to fix their computers. Their desks are filled with various dolls, and they are immersed in their own two-dimensional world. inside. ##ISFP: Explorers don’t like to argue, snatch, or play tricks. They give people a shy feeling. Once they receive long voice messages from others, they will get angry. When they encounter anything, they will type quickly to communicate with friends outside the company. chat. ##ESTP: Entrepreneurs are rumored to be kings of the sea and queens of the sea with countless lovers. In fact, they have never been in love. They are flexible and changeable in their work and can always get along with their leaders, making them forget the original topic. ##ESFP: The performers are the energy in the office. They are actually the internet celebrities of Xiaohongshu. They like to party in nightclubs on weekends, and then stay up late to catch up on work. They spend all the money they make and don’t save any money at all. ##INFJ: The advocates are psychological counselors in the office. They are often told their concerns by their colleagues. They don’t post anything on their WeChat Moments. They seem to have blocked people in the company. There are many messages every day on other platforms. ##INFP: Mediator: They thought about quitting when they first started working. They were full-time parents in their previous job. They would get distracted when meetings lasted for a long time. They were concerned about their colleagues because they looked weak. ##ENFJ: The protagonists are the spiritual leaders of the office and everyone’s favorite lunch companions. They can feel the emotional changes of colleagues working next to them, and their words are highly contagious. ##ENFP: Candidates are the happy fruits of the office. They always laugh and cry sometimes. They spend a lot of money on taxis because they are often late. They always have many novel ideas and have different ideas every day. ##INTJ: Architects are the indifferent kings of the office. They finish their work ahead of schedule and start fishing. In order to exercise their logical skills, they find out the vests of their colleagues, and are suspected of being artificial intelligence by people they don’t know. ##INTP: Logicians, their desktops seem to have suffered a nuclear strike. They have no interest in office gossip and only focus on things that interest them. They spend most of their working time thinking about the meaning of work and often come up with surprising ideas. suggestion. ##ENTJ: Commander, they are automatic machines in the office. They don’t need others to draw the pie for them. After half a year, they start to set goals for their bosses. When they walk past their workstations, they will feel a pressure. They can always provide their colleagues with Reliable support. ##ENTP: Debaters can always take the topic in other directions during meetings. When their thinking is chaotic, they are like out-of-control wild horses. They will post some frightening emoticons in the work group. Although they are a bit narcissistic, they are very good. Cute and loved by colleagues. ##ISFJ: Guardians. They always take care of others. They are spiritual mentors in the office. They are exhausted after spending an hour listening to colleagues complain. They take on a lot of work but don’t like to show off. They are loyal to their favorite takeaways. One It won’t change every month. ##Conclusion The above is what the 16 MBTI personalities look like in the same company. Do you think it is accurate? Come and leave a message in the comment area to tell us what you think! If you want to know more about MBTI, you can follow us or visit PsycTest. We will continue to bring you more interesting content!

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