Professional personality test tools commonly used by HR

Psychology Character and Personality##

From a psychological point of view, character is completely different from personality. Although psychologists have many different views on the psychological meaning of personality, it usually refers to a person's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies. The meaning of personality we talk about in daily communication actually refers to the concept of personality in psychology. Personality is what Chinese people usually understand.

Because of this, some researchers advocate translating Personality in psychology into ‘character’ in order to avoid confusion in understanding gravity. Therefore, personality test is a personality test, or personality measurement. This article will give a brief introduction to commonly used professional personality tests, and includes a free online assessment address.

Professional Personality Test

1. Cattell’s 16 Personality Factors Scale##

Catell 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (Catell 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire), referred to as 16PF.

Prepared by Professor RB Catell from the Institute of Personality and Ability at Illinois State University. Cattell used factor analysis to develop the test, which is a self-report scale based on his theory of personality traits. Cattell believes that the reason why human behavior is consistent and regular is because everyone has root traits.

In human resource management, 16PF can predict the candidate's job stability, work efficiency and stress tolerance. It can be widely used in all aspects of psychological consultation, personnel selection and career guidance, providing a reference for personal psychological quality for personnel decision-making and human resources diagnosis.

Cattell used systematic observation method, scientific experiment method and factor analysis method. After 20 to 30 years of research, he identified 16 personality traits and compiled a test scale accordingly.

The 16 personality factors are independent, and each factor has minimal correlation with other factors. Different combinations of these factors make up a person's unique personality that differs from others.


The names and symbols of these factors are as follows:

  • [Factor A: gregariousness] High scorers: extroverted, enthusiastic, and gregarious; low scorers: silent, lonely, and introverted
  • [Factor B Intelligence] High scorers show: smart and knowledgeable; low scorers show: slow and shallow knowledge
  • [Factor C Stability] People with high scores show: emotionally stable and mature; people with low scores show: emotional instability
  • [Factor E: Strong-willedness] Those with high scores behave: strong, stubborn, dominant and aggressive; those with low scores behave: humble and submissive
  • [Factor F Excitability] Those with high scores behave: relaxed and excited, carefree and indulgent; those with low scores behave: serious, prudent, and taciturn
  • [Factor G has perseverance] High scorers show: constancy, responsibility, and conscience; low scorers show: expedient and perfunctory, poor principle
  • [Factor H Audacity] Those with high scores will behave as follows: dare to take risks, have few scruples, and have strong initiative; those with low scores will behave as: shy, timid, and withdrawn
  • [Factor I Sensitivity] High scorers: careful, sensitive, and emotional; low scorers: careless, rational, and practical
  • [Factor L Skepticism] Those with high scores show: suspicion, stubbornness, stubbornness; those with low scores show: sincerity, cooperation, tolerance, trust and easy-going
  • [Factor M Fantasy] High scorers behave like: imaginative, wild and uninhibited; low scorers behave like: realistic, down-to-earth, and conventional
  • [Factor N Sophistication] Those with high scores will show: shrewd and sophisticated, sophisticated, and good at dealing with people; those with low scores will show: frank, straightforward, and naive
  • [Factor O Anxiety] Those with high scores show: worry, depression, frustration and pessimism, and lack of self-confidence; those with low scores show: tranquility, calmness, and self-confidence
  • [Factor Q1 Experimental] High scorers show: free and open, radical criticism; low scorers show: conservative, follow the rules, respect tradition
  • [Factor Q2 Independence] Those with high scores show: autonomy and decisiveness; those with low scores show: dependence and following the crowd.
  • [Factor Q3 Self-discipline] High scorers: know yourself and your enemy, self-disciplined; low scorers: unable to control themselves, undisciplined, lax, and do whatever you want
  • [Factor Q4 Nervousness] People with high scores show: frustration, often lack of patience, restlessness, and often feel tired; people with low scores show: calmness, composure, and contentment

» PsycTest test address: Cartel 16PF free online test

2. MBTI Personality Type Test##

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personality theory originated from the theory of ‘Psychological Type’ by the famous psychologist Carl Jung (Carl Jung), American psychologist Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers Developed through in-depth research.

MBTI is a self-reported personality assessment theoretical model that is used to measure and describe people's psychological activity patterns and personality types in obtaining information, making decisions, and treating life. Through the MBTI model, the connection between personality and career has been explained more clearly.

MBTI Theory

MBTI theory believes that a person's personality can be analyzed from 4 angles, represented by letters as follows:

  1. Source of driving force: introversion I—extroversion E, Introversion - Extroversion
  2. Ways of receiving information: Feeling S—Intuition N, Sensing-Intuition
  3. The way of decision-making: Thinking T—Emotion F, Thinking - Feeling
  4. Attitude towards uncertainty: Judging J—Perceiving P, Judging - Perceiving

Two or two combinations can form 16 personality types, which are:


Extraversion-E: Energetic when getting along with others, acting before thinking, likes to think aloud while thinking, easy to ‘read’ and understand; shares personal situations casually, talks more than listens, Highly enthusiastic about socializing, quick to respond, and likes a fast pace.

Introversion-I: Energetic when alone, thinking before acting, thinking about problems in the mind, more closed, more willing to share personal situations in small, selected groups, listening more than talking, not Speak out excitedly, think carefully before reacting.

Sensing Type-S: Believe in certain and tangible things, have little interest in concepts and theories unless they have practical utility, value reality and common sense, like to use and ponder known skills, pay attention to specific, Specific things; describe in detail, tell the relevant situation step by step, focusing on reality.

Intuitive-N: Believe in inspiration or reasoning, are interested in concepts and theories, value possibilities and originality, like to learn new skills, but get bored easily after mastering them, pay attention to the overall overview and general laws of things ; Use generalizations and metaphors to express facts, jump to the facts, focus on the future, pay attention to the changing trends of things, and look at things from a long-term perspective.

Thinking Type-T: Take a step back and think, analyze the problem objectively and impersonally, value logic, fairness, and fairness, treat everyone equally, are considered cold, insensitive, and indifferent, and believe that frankness is better than tact. More importantly, emotions are only considered desirable when they are logical. Motivated by ‘achievement’, it is natural to see shortcomings and tend to criticize.

Emotional Type-F: Thinking ahead, considering the impact of actions on others, emphasizing sympathy and harmony, emphasizing exceptions to norms, considered to be overly emotional, lacking logic, weak, believing that tact is more important than frankness, regardless of Is it meaningful? I think any relationship is desirable. I am motivated by ‘gaining appreciation’. I am accustomed to catering to others and focus on maintaining network resources.

Judgment type-J: happiest after making a decision, ‘work principle’ - work first, play second (if there is time), establish goals, complete on time, willing to know what they will face , focus on results (the focus is on completing tasks), satisfaction comes from completing plans, treat time as a limited resource, and take deadlines seriously.

Perceptual-P: Feeling happy when various options are available, ‘play principle’ - enjoy now, complete the work later (if there is time), constantly changing as new information is acquired Goals, like to adapt to new situations, focus on the process (the focus is on how to complete the work), satisfaction comes from the beginning of the plan, believe that time is a renewable resource, and deadlines are also shrinkable.

After more than 70 years of practice and development, MBTI has now been widely used in many fields such as corporate recruitment and selection, psychological measurement, internal talent inventory, career planning, and career testing. In recent years, more than 2 million people around the world have taken the MBTI test every year.

According to PsycTest statistics, 89% of the world's top 100 companies have introduced the use of MBTI as an important method for employees and management to develop themselves, improve communication, and enhance organizational performance.

» PsycTest evaluation address: MBTI Professional Personality Free Online Test

If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s MBTI Zone! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest's MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let's discover more exciting content together!

3. Holland’s Hexagonal Theory##

Holland's hexagonal theory is also called people-career mutual selection theory or career planning theory.

John Holland proposed the vocational interest theory in 1959, which has broad social influence. Holland's vocational interest theory mainly explores the issue of career guidance from the perspective of interest. He clearly put forward the personality view of professional interests, which brought about a qualitative change in people's understanding of professional interests.

It has compiled two career interest scales (Vocational Preference Inventory) and Self-directed Search (Self-directed Search). The combination of interest test and ability test has played an important role in the actual operation of career guidance and career counseling. enhancement.

Holland proposed four basic assumptions, and based on these assumptions, the hexagonal model was proposed.

  • First, human personality can be roughly divided into 6 types: realistic, research, artistic, social, entrepreneurial and conventional;
  • Second, professions can be divided into six corresponding types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional
  • Third, people generally tend to look for a career type that is consistent with their personality type, fully display their abilities and values, and assume enjoyable jobs and roles;
  • Fourth, an individual's behavior depends on his personality and the type of occupation he is in. Human behavior can be predicted based on relevant knowledge, including career choice, job transition, work performance, education and social behavior, etc.

Holland's hexagonal theory

Introduction to Holland’s Personality Type###

1. Realistic

  • [Label]: frankness, integrity, honesty, humility
  • [Character Analysis]: Pay attention to reality, usually have the ability to operate machinery, and have the spirit of a doer. Frank, so easy to accept setbacks in reality, and humbly correct shortcomings. He is good at operating tools and completing physical work, and gets great inspiration and energy from it.
  • [Typical occupations]: technicians, electricians, miners, carpenters, installers, fishermen, etc.

2. Research Investigative

  • [Label]: Cautious, strict, serious, introverted, humble, independent
  • [Character Analysis]: Good at thinking and asking questions; usually can discover mysteries from various things such as changes in nature, and want to get to the bottom of it; usually like to do statistical analysis, and have the ability to engage in activities such as investigation, observation, evaluation, reasoning, etc. .
  • [Typical occupations]: Researchers and experts in natural sciences/social sciences; engineers in chemistry, electronics, aircraft, etc.; aircraft pilots, computer operators, etc.

3. Artistic

  • [Tag]: romantic, sensitive, sensual, emotional, imaginative
  • [Character Analysis]: Usually inner activities are relatively complex, good at expressing and imaginative, but relatively lacking in practicality. Possess artistic, original expression and intuitive abilities. They don't like highly structured activities, but they are full of emotions and emotions.
  • [Typical occupations]: Music/dance/drama actor; host, editor, author; painting, calligraphy, photographer; furniture/jewelry/house decoration designer, etc.

4. Social

  • [Label]: Kind, enthusiastic, flexible, patient, generous, good at persuasion
  • [Character Analysis]: Possess an active heart, make both ends meet through lubricated social relationships, become the best listener for others to talk about their troubles, and provide psychological comfort to others; integrate emotion and rationality into one, and provide others with subtle and meaningful Meaningful suggestions.
  • [Typical occupations]: teachers, childcare workers, administrators, medical staff, service industry managers, service personnel, etc.

5. Enterprising

  • [Tag]: Optimistic, confident, outgoing, ambitious, adventurous, active thinking
  • [Character Analysis]: Confident and courageous to express, have a certain tendency towards centralization, and have the ability to persuade, manage, supervise, organize and lead. He is good at managing chaotic social order or personnel affairs in enterprises, and has the wisdom to take charge of the overall situation.
  • [Typical occupations]: Enterprise level, professional managers, government officials, leaders and managers of industry departments and units, businessmen, etc.

6. Conventional

  • [Label]: Tradition, precision, attention to details, perseverance, efficiency, obedience to organizational arrangements
  • [Character Analysis]: Practical, steady, and peaceful, but somewhat lacking in competitiveness. Able to complete tasks assigned by superiors, strictly observe discipline, and work quietly. She is an indispensable virtuous house helper.
  • [Typical occupations]: Human resources, accounting cashiers, statisticians; office staff, secretaries/clerical staff; librarians; tourism, foreign trade staff, custodians, postmen, auditors, etc.

Holland applied his occupational personality type theory to the occupational entry dictionary developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, and used the relevant content of occupational analysis to assign Holland personality type codes to 12,099 occupations. The Dictionary of Holland occupational Codes has been compiled, providing a wide range of application prospects for all types of people to search for suitable occupations according to their occupational interests.

» Assessment address: Holland’s Vocational Interests (90 Questions Version) Free Online Test

4. DISC Personality Test##

The DISC theory was proposed by American psychologist Dr. William Moulton Marston in his 1921 book ‘Emotion of Normal People’.

The DISC personality test mainly consists of four main dimensional traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness Describe individuals and reveal their motivational factors, communication methods, decision-making styles, abilities and specialties, stress resistance and other characteristics.

DISC Personality Test

At present, DISC theory is widely used in corporate recruitment, selection, training, team building, management communication, etc. and for individuals to enhance potential, resolve interpersonal conflicts, enhance happiness, etc.

Behavioral tendencies exhibited by different types of DISC

  • Dominance: Strong self-confidence, bravery, emphasis on results, desire to lead, competitive, proposing changes, straightforward and frank.
  • Influence: interpersonally oriented, emotional, eloquent, playful, optimistic, spontaneous, and expected to be accepted and recognized.
  • Steadiness: Stable and loyal, team spirit, preferring familiar environments, helpful, humble, sincere, and pragmatic.
  • Conscientiousness (cautious): adhere to high standards, pay attention to details, self-control, vigilance, good at analysis, high intuition, and method-oriented.

How Dominance performs in interviews:

Be good at and eager to express your abilities and have a strong sense of ambition; respond quickly and respond quickly without thinking; be able to constantly think about, for example: why the interviewer asked this question and what kind of answer he wants to get, so as to adapt to his preferences; When the interviewer asks if they have any other questions, they will eagerly ask the interviewer questions; during the interview, if they are asked about something they are very good at, they will show a confident performance; if the interviewer has an opinion on something and I am not very consistent and will try my best to convince the interviewer.

Interview strategy:

The interview questions should be as concise as possible and get to the point; understand their impatience and anxiety, but do not help them to relieve their emotions, they will not admit their nervousness; let them know that the interview position has a certain degree of challenge; if you want to give them To ‘sell’ another more suitable position, you can use the ’terms of reference’ to attract them; try not to deny them during the interview, avoid head-on conflicts, and use softness to overcome strength; you can ask them to talk more about past failure cases and the experience summed up from them, in order to restrain their conceited emotions.

Dominant personality

How to motivate:

Let them make up for their shortcomings in their work instead of blaming them; don't let any indecisive people with low efficiency hold them back; arrange their work cleverly so that they feel that they are arranging their own work; Don't try to tell them what to do; support them when they complain that others can't do it.

Influence (influence type) performance in interviews:

Strong language skills, good at communication, and strong affinity; if asked a question that they are familiar with or particularly good at, they may say no endlessly; they have strong adaptability and can justify themselves even if their shortcomings are pointed out; during interviews May be informal and pay no attention to details; believe most of what the interviewer describes.

Interview strategy:

Suitable for placement in sales, public relations and other positions that deal with people; at the beginning of the interview, no greetings are needed, and you can go directly to the topic; understand how they formulate plans and plans, and you can give tests on the spot; when they answer questions that go off topic, you can appropriately Interrupt them; you must have a clear goal orientation during the questioning process to avoid being led by them; focus on checking their stability, and you can ask about the reasons for leaving their jobs and career plans.

Influential personality

How to motivate:

Show interest in their private lives so they feel respected; pay attention to communication skills when talking to them so they feel respected; give them opportunities to share their feelings with others; don't let them feel rejected, which will make them uncomfortable; treat relationships as Building for the benefit of the group will be welcomed by them; when arranging work, emphasize the importance of the work and indicate the impact of not completing the work on others, so they will work hard and fight for the relationship.

Steadiness (stability) performance in interviews:

Treat people with sincerity, pay attention to appearance, and be modest; no matter whether you are satisfied with the position or the company, you will not show disappointment or complaints on the surface. If the interviewer makes suggestions and criticisms, you will not refute them on the spot; you will be slow to respond, and it takes more time to answer a question Thinks for a long time; answers questions and answers, talks very little, is good at listening; tends to act nervous.

Interview strategy:

At the beginning of the interview, talk about things that have nothing to do with the interview to help them relieve their tension; understand their silence, communicate with them patiently, and start with simple questions; examine how they handle things in an environment that changes rapidly; Give them multiple-choice questions to guide them to make quick decisions; use the STAR interview method to ask questions, and ask more process questions rather than result questions in order to dig out more information; give them more encouragement and affirmation during the interview.

Stable personality

How to Motivate:

Support their work, because they are meticulous and conscientious and will definitely not make big mistakes; give them a fair amount of remuneration to reward their diligence; give them more praise and more affirmation; don't criticize them directly, but give them an idea. Make them feel like they discovered the mistake.

Conscientiousness (cautiousness) in the interview performance:

Be cautious and professional when answering questions; be good at classifying, defining, summarizing and planning work; be good at talking about the details of specific operations, not good at talking about strategic ideas, and lack an overall view; be good at discovering, analyzing and solving problems; if the interviewer If they deny one of their aspects on the spot, they will argue for themselves; their ability to adapt to changes is weak.

Interview strategy:

Try to create a relaxed and pleasant interview atmosphere; focus on unstructured interviews and ask more open-ended questions; it is best to use role-playing, scenario simulation and other interactive interview methods; do not ask sensitive questions for this type of candidates It is not advisable to use the pressure interview method to solve sexual problems; you can use the leaderless group interview method, and then ask them individually for their evaluation of other candidates; be sure to give them the opportunity to ask questions and ask them about their requirements for the working environment.

Cautious personality

How to motivate:

Affirm their thinking ability and express interest in their analysis; remind them to complete their work goals and not pursue perfection too high; do not disturb them with surprise methods, they do not like surprises; they like facts, you must know the same as them More; don't expect to convince them unless they think the same way you do.

Dominance managers VS four types of employee management models:

👉 Management model for Dominance employees: Advantages - consistent goals, harmony and tacit understanding; Challenges - power struggle, no compromise; no need for force; set boundaries, allow for autonomous areas; give room for choice, do not preach, be concise ;Involve employees in rule-making.

👉 Management model for Influence (influence) employees: Advantages - self-confidence, employees are willing to obey; Challenges - employees' randomness makes you angry; accept goals and feelings different from yours; expectations are specific and easy to follow; give affirmation and Appreciate, listen; help him not give up.

👉 Management model for Steadiness employees: Advantages - employees feel safe under correct leadership; Challenges - accept employees as friendly and easy-going; provide clear behavioral guidance; use soft language to avoid criticism and anger; do not take advantage of them Compare others and avoid fierce competition; give time and attention to build acceptance and appreciation.

👉 Management model for Conscientiousness (cautious) employees: Advantages - successful coordination of command and execution; Challenges - differences in pace, control brings pressure; patience, giving enough time to prepare and make decisions; criticize cautiously; answer questions at any time, Give in-depth answers; accept and acknowledge his feelings; listen to his thoughts.

Influence (influence) managers VS four types of employee management models:

👉 Management model for Dominance employees: Advantages - all have a winning attitude and desire to be recognized; Challenges - laissez-faire, lack of limits, employees dominate; clear norms and boundaries; avoid inconsistent words and deeds, or poor execution; Give simple instructions and require compliance; don't be afraid of conflict.

👉 Management model for Influence employees: Advantages - mutual appreciation and tolerance, easy to forgive; Challenges - emotionality, fighting for focus; learning to listen; focus on the cultivation of responsibility and authority; writing down the responsibilities that employees must bear ; Validation of norms and boundaries.

👉 Management model for Steadiness employees: Advantages - complementation of rationality and sensibility; Challenges - leading to misunderstandings; Listen attentively; Adjust emotional responses; Understand his pursuit of perfection and give him time to be alone; Appreciate and accept him sincerely and concretely His caution; gentleness in offering corrections.

👉 Management model for Conscientiousness (cautious) employees: Advantages - acceptance, complementarity, and harmony; Challenges - employees can't keep up with the manager's pace; slow down, accept that he needs time to make a decision; don't pay too much attention in front of others, Support and encourage in private; express sincere appreciation and accept his slowness; inform possible changes in advance and listen carefully; invite him to help.

Character and Management Model

Steadiness (stable) managers VS four types of employee management models:

👉 Management model for Dominance employees: Advantages - encourage employees and help them achieve their goals; Challenges - over-indulgence; avoid being controlled and allow employees space; stick to positions and boundaries; be decisive and keep your word; Take control of the situation; accept differences in nature.

👉 Management model for Influence employees: Advantages - mutual appreciation inspires self-confidence; Challenges - catching up with employees; firm attitude and clear boundaries; do not play the role of savior; give him the opportunity to learn behavioral consequences and responsibilities; Help him plan and become organized.

👉 Management model for Steadiness (stable) employees: Advantages - relaxed, harmonious and quiet; Challenges - employees cannot be independent and cannot communicate honestly; encourage employees to assume their own responsibilities; be more proactive and decisive; used to face conflicts and Change; encourage employees to express their inner feelings and face solutions.

👉 Management model for Conscientiousness (cautious) employees: Advantages - no pressure, avoid disputes; Challenges - the characteristics of employees' logic hurt your feelings; give time to think alone and recover after stress; listen, understand, don't Force him to get close to you; patiently explain his problems; sincerely and concretely appreciate his achievements; gently guide him to accept his own and other people's shortcomings.

C-type managers VS four types of employee management models:

👉 Management model for Dominance employees: Advantages - the same goals can complement each other and increase efficiency; Challenges - ignore the notes and details required by managers; independently control some things; affirm employees' goals and achievements; accept He takes risks, sets safety standards; accepts changes and challenges brought by his employees; avoids debate and demands for perfection.

👉 Management model for Influence (influence) employees: Advantages - helping employees to balance their lives successfully; Challenges - disagreeing with each other; revising expectations effectively; giving enough acceptance and appreciation; spending time with him; listening to his stories ; Don’t pursue perfection.

👉 Management model for Steadiness (stable) employees: Advantages - implicit, low-key, mutual appreciation; Challenges - forcing employees to accept your high standards; understand and pay attention to employees' feelings; open yourself up and encourage communication; give them time Self-improvement; affirm and appreciate his efforts; criticize cautiously, do not aim too high, and provide specific behavioral guidance.

👉 Management model for Conscientiousness (cautious) employees: Advantages - cultivating a combination of geniuses; Challenges - different definitions of correctness, bringing about a cold war; Accept employees' suggestions and methods that are different from yours; Be careful when criticizing; Employees raise objections Don't overreact; express emotions and feelings; don't set the bar too high.

» PsycTest evaluation address: DISC Personality Free Online Test

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