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Life/hobbies 8 3 minute
假设你突然发现自己莫名其妙地穿越回了古代,没有了现代的科技支持,没有了手机,没有了网络,甚至连一丝痕迹都没有留下。你将置身于一个完全陌生的环境中,周围充斥着古代的繁文缛节和规矩。这种情景,仿佛是从热播剧《庆余年》中走出来的一样,一切都变得那么不可思议。 在这个穿越到古代的奇妙世界里,你能否凭借自己的才学和智慧,活得潇洒自如,融入古代的生活和社会之中呢?或许你会成为一位拥有超凡智慧的谋士,为君王出谋划策,左右江山;又或许你会成为一位医术精湛的名医,救死扶伤,受人尊敬;更有可能你会成为一位武艺高强的武将,征战沙场,威震四方。 然而,古代社会的繁琐礼节和道德规范也许会成为你的挑战。你将面对着各种不同于现代社会的价值观念和生存方式,需要学会适应和融入。但同时,你也将有机会体验到古代的风土人情,感受到那种纯朴而真挚的人情味。 因此,这个穿越到古代的生存概率测试,不仅是一次对自己才智和适应能力的...

Fun test: Which dynasty in ancient times would you like to travel to?

Life/hobbies 10 5 minute
Imagine if you had the opportunity to travel through time and space and go back to ancient China, which dynasty would you appear in? Was it in the bustling streets of the Han Dynasty, or at the cultural feast of the Tang Dynasty? Perhaps it was the commercial center of the Song Dynasty, or the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty? This is not only a journey through history, but also a journey of se...

Fun test: Which emperor were you when you traveled back to ancient times?

Life/hobbies 10 1 minute
In the long course of history, the images of ancient emperors have been ever-changing. They may have been wise and powerful, opening up territories, or they may have been incompetent and neglecting government affairs. Their lives were all full of legends. Some emperors left behind legends throughout the ages, while others became the objects of lessons for future generations. Imagine if you could ...

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