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INFJ Aries: passionate idealist

When the mysterious MBTI meets astrology, we get a unique perspective to explore personality. Today, we will focus on a rare and complex combination: INFJ Aries. It’s a combination of passion, impulsiveness and deep intuition. Let’s explore this topic easily together and see what kind of sparks will happen when INFJ meets Aries! If you don’t know your MBTI personality type yet, you can take PsycT...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Analysis——INFJ

INFJ——The Counselor Personality Succeed because of perseverance, creativity and the intention that must be achieved. Will put the most effort into the work. Concern others quietly, powerfully, sincerely and with heart. Respected for adhering to principles. Propose a clear vision for the benefit of the public and be respected and followed. Pursue ideas, relationships, and the meaning and relevance...

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