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Test how many effective social interactions are around you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
What is 'effective social networking'? Effective social interaction mainly means that you can communicate efficiently and smoothly with others. Colleagues can effectively resolve possible conflicts, express suggestions smoothly, and create a good social relationship. How can we have effective social networking? First of all, you must learn to analyze the objects of communication and effectively or...

Test how high your communication skills can be

Communication is as basic a need for humans as eating and drinking. If people want to join the society, they must communicate. If you want to be like a fish in the society, how can you not learn good interpersonal communication skills. This test selects some embarrassing and difficult situations that you often encounter at work to test whether you can handle these problems correctly, thereby refl...

Can you communicate freely in the Internet age?

With the popularity of the Internet, many people have fallen into an illusory world and cannot extricate themselves. They are whispering with 'lovers' who do not know whether they are male or female, or are immersed in the endless fighting of online games. Over time, they will lose the real world. The ability to communicate with people. When you have to return to the real reality, you will feel t...

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