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psychological test
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Fun test: When do your friends want to punch you the most?

In the process of getting along with others, some contradictions and frictions will inevitably occur. We cannot be liked by everyone, and even those who like us cannot like everything about us. There are always some problems, which will trigger problems once they are exposed. If you can't criticize the little universe in your friend's heart with words, you can't help but wave your fists. Then do y...

Psychological test: seven questions to test everything about you

Mental/Health 2 1 minute 26
Everyone has his or her own unique personality and life experiences, which profoundly affect our values, relationships, and behaviors. By answering some simple questions, we can learn more about you and your characteristics. This test will help you explore all of yourself, including your personality, emotional state, achievements, strengths and weaknesses, and more. Please answer the following sev...

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