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Those who can get out from the bottom are those who understand thick and black knowledge!

During the Republic of China, Li Zongwu attracted widespread attention with his book 'Houheixue'. He expounded the view that one should have a thick skin but not a color, and a dark but colorless heart, in order to become a hero. This article will take Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Sima Yi and other figures as examples to discuss how thickness and blackness affect success or fail...

Work-life integration: a new way of thinking that can help you regain your passion for work and life

Have you ever counted how many hours you work in a week? Did you work overtime? Have you included answering phone calls and replying to messages? This is all work, but it also takes up your personal time. Work is around you all the time, how much time do you have left in your life? ! How to balance work and life Work-life balance is the ability to handle work, family and other things well. Now...

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