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Testing women’s sexual development?

Life/hobbies 1 1 minute
Sex plays a very important role in the life of a couple. In a sense, the quality of sex determines the success or failure of a marriage. This set of test questions tests the degree of sexual development of women. Through testing, you can understand your true pleasure during sex and improve your sex skills. This type of question is especially suitable for young newlyweds.

Are you a good husband?

family/marriage 2 2 minute
If you want your wife to be a qualified wife, the most perfect partner in your heart, a gentle and loving wife, or an understanding and helpful wife, then you must first try your best to become a qualified wife. s husband. Can you be called a qualified husband?

Are you a good wife?

family/marriage 2 1 minute
The moment he puts the wedding ring on you, you will secretly swear: You must be a qualified wife and a qualified mother in the future. So are you a qualified wife now? Take this test now!

Who is the culprit who destroys marriage? (Female test)

family/marriage 1 1 minute
'Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.' So who allowed the disaster to come, and who escaped first when the disaster came? You will accuse him of being an irresponsible husband. He is busy at work and neglects his family. He often stays out late at night and often goes to bars and karaoke bars... You identify him as the culprit of the divorc...

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