Can your salary support your relationship in the future?

Wealth/Investment 1 1 minute

Whether it is love or marriage, in addition to feelings, there are also many details of life and the reality of vegetables, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. No one can live without clothes and food, and no dream of “being full of food and drink” can come true. Love that is not realistic enough is immature and short-lasting. We work hard every month not only to support our daily expenses, but also to support our spiritual and emotional lives. But for some moonlight people, the monthly salary is not enough to support love, and it will only make them look embarrassed. Then, there are also some people who know how to plan their lives and know how to struggle. They can not only use their income to support love, but also make people feel embarrassed. Love blossoms and bears fruit, so can your income support love? Next, let’s take a look at it through testing!

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