What are your psychological weaknesses?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 17

Psychologists believe that people have some weaknesses in life, and these weaknesses make people easily affected by the outside world. Everyone has human psychological weaknesses. More or less, you will encounter several psychological weaknesses that you cannot control yourself. Only by seeing them clearly can you guide yourself better. Everyone has a double-sided psychology, with both a strong side and a weak side. Psychological weaknesses will make you lack self-confidence in life and hinder your own nourishment. We must abandon psychological weaknesses, so what are the common psychological weaknesses? Eight common psychological weaknesses: 1. Suspicious people always make up some causal relationships to explain why others behave and talk like this. If a woman sees someone talking in a low voice, she thinks they are talking about her. 2. Strive for fairness, seek absolutely fair results, always complain about the unfairness of the world, and hate those who are better than you. 3. Should Theory Many people’s emotions are manipulated by “should theory”. For example, if I am nice to someone, he should express gratitude to me, otherwise, he will be depressed. 4. Dependency: Some people are dependent on the opposite sex. Once they leave, they will be unable to support their emotional life. The best way to get out of this emotional trap is to be independent. 5. Seeking approval. Many people regard obtaining approval from others as a powerful controlling force. The essence is: “do not believe in themselves.” 6. Perfectionist. Perfectionism requires that everything done by oneself or others must be perfect. In the end, it makes oneself or others unacceptable. 7. Self-proclaimed people always use the excuse that their nature is difficult and do not want to change or develop themselves. In fact, I am afraid of restraining myself and begging to forgive myself. 8. Guilt maniacs’ excessive guilt is a deformed sense of responsibility, and they always take the initiative to take responsibilities that are not their own. This kind of mood is naturally extremely harmful to the body and mind. So what are your psychological weaknesses? Test it out.

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