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Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) online review

Mental/Health 5 1 minute 1
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) online review
In 1982, Brink et al. created the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) as a tool specifically used to screen for depression in the elderly. Because the elderly have more physical complaints, many physical symptoms of normal elderly people are within the normal range for this age group, but they may be mistakenly diagnosed as depression. The GDS was designed to more sensitively detect somatic symptoms ...

Self-rating symptom scale SCL90 free online comprehensive assessment

Mental/Health 20 4 minute 43
Self-rating symptom scale SCL90 free online comprehensive assessment
'Self-Rating Symptom Scale SCL90' is one of the most famous mental health test scales in the world and is currently the most widely used outpatient examination scale for mental disorders and mental illnesses. SCL-90 (Symptom Checklist-90) is a commonly used symptom self-rating scale. It was compiled in 1975. Its author is LR Derogatis. It is sometimes also called Hopkins's Symptom Checklist. , HS...

What stage is your moral level at?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 6
In the field of psychometrics, a person's moral level is also an important dimension of psychological testing. The American psychologists who made outstanding contributions in this regard are undoubtedly the American psychologists Kohlberg and Piaget. This person used the dilemma method to test moral psychology and divided the results into three Stages respectively represent a person's moral leve...

loneliness level test

Mental/Health 15 4 minute 2
In this complicated world, each of us has a lonely heart. From the moment we were born, loneliness has been with us as we grow. It is not simply being alone or lonely, but a deep and individual experience. As the years go by, we learn to have an inner dialogue with ourselves, learn to find ourselves in the crowd, and discover the universe in solitude. Loneliness is sometimes a choice, sometimes i...

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