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Are you frigid?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 4
Frigidity refers to the lack of sexual desire. In layman's terms, it means no interest in sexual life. It is also said to be loss of sexual desire. Among well-educated and healthy couples surveyed, 16% of men and 35% of women had frigidity. The symptoms of frigidity are reflected in two aspects: physical symptoms and psychological symptoms. Frigidity and anorgasmia are two different concepts. Th...

Sexless marriage, test how long your partner can tolerate it

family/marriage 1 1 minute 1
Sex becomes a preservative when two people are in love. Marriage and love without sex are turbulent, but relationships that only talk about sex without love are also unreal. Some lovers will rely on sex to ease the relationship after a quarrel, but after a long time, true love will also make people tired. Some people act foolishly like saints, but long-term absence of sex will also cause love to d...

Sexual psychology test: What kind of sex and love do you need?

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute 22
Sexual psychology researchers believe that 'feeling desired is a female orgasm.' While the sight of an attractive man may turn a woman on, the thought of a man's reaction to her—'I wonder if he thinks I'm hot?'—is like a bolt of lightning striking her. brain. In other words, girls can only freely stimulate sexual desire for men who care about their thoughts. Otherwise, if a girl thinks that this...

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