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WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test

Mental/Health 5 3 minute 7
WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test
Creativity is a comprehensive ability unique to human beings. It refers to the ability to generate new ideas, discover and create new things. Creativity is a psychological quality necessary for the successful completion of creative activities. It is composed of multiple factors such as knowledge, intelligence, ability and excellent personality qualities. Creativity is an important symbol that dis...

Career test: Test whether you will have smooth sailing at work

We are independent individuals among the crowd, but in society and at work we need to collaborate with others and are not independent. At work, we not only need active work ability and creativity, but also need to have team spirit and understand the power of cooperation. What if we could make ourselves go smoothly, be handy and avoid detours at work? First of all, we need to position ourselves c...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Assessment 200 Questions Complete Version

Character/Personality 50 1 minute 564
MBTI Type 16 Personality Assessment 200 Questions Complete Version
Personality psychology is the science that studies the differences and similarities in the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of human individuals. The importance of personality psychology lies in its ability to help us understand ourselves and others and improve our self-awareness, self-development and interpersonal relationships. The research field of personality psychology is very broad and invo...

Career Planning Test: Schein Career Anchor Questionnaire Free Online Test

Workplace/career 18 4 minute 12
Career Planning Test: Schein Career Anchor Questionnaire Free Online Test
The famous American career guidance expert, Professor Edgar H. Schein of MIT Sloan School of Business, led a dedicated team to conduct a 12-year career tracking study on 44 MBA graduates of Sloan School of Business, including Interviews, follow-up surveys, company surveys, talent assessments, questionnaires and other methods were used to finally analyze and summarize the career anchor (career posi...

Sleep Quotient Level Test

Mental/Health 10 2 minute
In our modern, fast-paced lives, we often overlook one crucial aspect: sleep. The concept of 'sleep quotient' links sleep quality and intelligence, which has attracted people's attention. Let’s dive into this interesting and informative topic. What is 'sleep quotient'? 'Sleep IQ' is a concept proposed by American scholars. It mainly refers to the relationship between a person's sleep quality and...

Shenzhen City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Shenzhen?

Shenzhen, a vibrant modern city, is the forefront of China's reform and opening up. It is not only an important city in Guangdong Province, but also an international metropolis, known as the 'Silicon Valley of the East'. Shenzhen is located on the east bank of the Pearl River Delta, across the Shenzhen River from Hong Kong. It is a unique geographical location that has given birth to the city's un...

Picture Psychological Test: Stress Test

Mental/Health 5 1 minute
Stress refers to the emotional reaction of physical and mental tension and uneasiness that people feel when facing challenges or demands. Stress can come from a variety of different factors, such as work, school, relationships, health, finances, etc. Moderate stress can stimulate people's enthusiasm and creativity, but excessive stress can have adverse effects on the body and psychology. In psych...

Workplace Psychology Test: What are your workplace strengths?

Workplace/career 1 1 minute 3
Workplace advantages refer to the outstanding skills, knowledge, experience, characteristics and personality traits that an individual possesses in his or her career. Workplace advantages can help individuals better realize their potential at work and achieve career goals. They can also improve self-confidence and satisfaction and promote career development. There are many types of workplace stre...

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