Why are ISFPs called explorers?

Have you ever had the experience of taking a personality test online and the results revealed that you are an ISFP, aka Explorer? Are you surprised or confused because you don’t feel like you’re an adventurous or thrill-seeking person? Have you ever wondered why this personality type was given such a name?

If you have these questions, this article will answer them for you. We will analyze the characteristics of the ISFP type from the perspective of cognitive function and why they can be called explorers.

Explorer Personality

What is cognitive function?

Cognitive functions refer to the mental processes people use when they think, feel, and act. Each person has four main cognitive functions, arranged in order of priority, that make up a person’s personality type. Different combinations of cognitive functions lead to different personality traits and behavioral manifestations.

The four cognitive functions of the ISFP type are:

  • Dominant function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
  • Auxiliary function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
  • Tertiary function: Introverted thinking (Ti)
    -Fourth function: Extraverted intuition (Ne)

Let’s take a look at what these cognitive functions represent and how they affect the ISFP personality.

ISFP Cognitive Function

Explorer Personality

Introverted Sensing (Si)

Introverted Sensing is the dominant function of ISFP types, which is their most natural, best, and most comfortable psychological process. Introverted Sensing is the ability to focus on personal experiences, memories, and sensory details. It allows ISFP types to accurately perceive changes in themselves and their surrounding environment, and their impact on them. Introverted Sensing also allows ISFPs to compare different experiences, find similarities and differences, and form their own unique insights and values.

Introverted Sensing is a big reason why ISFP types are called explorers. Because this function makes them full of curiosity and interest in new things, and hope to experience and explore different possibilities for themselves**. ISFP people like to use their five senses to feel the world and enjoy the beautiful moments in life. They don’t like to be bound by rules or traditions, but want to live life at their own pace and way. They also don’t like repetitive or monotonous things, but want to find novel or interesting things to stimulate themselves.

Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

Extraverted Feeling is the auxiliary function of the ISFP type, which is their second strongest, second most confident, and second most comfortable psychological process. Extraverted Feeling is the function of paying attention to the emotions, needs, and values of others. It allows ISFP types to easily connect with others, express their emotions, and sense and regulate the atmosphere. Extraverted Feeling also allows ISFP types to understand social norms and expectations and comply with or violate them when appropriate.

Extraverted Feeling is also an important reason why ISFP types are called explorers. Because this function makes them interested in interpersonal relationships and social activities, and like to share their experiences and feelings with others. ISFP people are usually friendly, enthusiastic, and considerate, and can bring joy and warmth to others. They are also empathetic and able to accept and respect different people and perspectives. They do not like conflict or criticism, but want to live harmoniously with others.

Introverted Thinking (Ti)

Introverted thinking is the third function of ISFP types, which is their third strongest, third confident, and third comfortable psychological process. Introverted thinking is a function that focuses on logical analysis, understanding of principles, and problem solving. It allows ISFP people to use their own standards and methods to judge the rightness and wrongness of things, and to find out the inherent laws and structures of things. Introverted thinking also allows ISFP types to conduct in-depth research and exploration into areas of interest to improve their skills and knowledge.

Introverted thinking is also an important reason why ISFP types are called explorers. Because this feature makes them interested in complex or challenging things and like to use their wisdom and creativity to solve problems or create new things. ISFP people are usually smart, flexible, and independent, able to adapt to various situations. They are also very critical, able to test and improve their own and other people’s ideas.

Extraverted intuition (Ne)

Extraverted intuition is the fourth function of ISFP types, which is their weakest, least confident, and least comfortable psychological process. Extraverted intuition is a function that focuses on abstract concepts, future possibilities, and hidden meanings. It allows ISFP types to discover new perspectives and connections with reality, as well as imagine what might happen in the future. Extraverted intuition also allows ISFPs to use metaphors, humor, and creativity to express their thoughts or emotions.

Extraverted intuition is also an important reason why ISFP types are called explorers. Because this function makes them interested in new or strange things, and like to try different things or ways to enrich their lives. ISFP people usually have great imagination, sense of humor, and artistic talent, and can use unique style and expression to express their personality. They are also adventurous and able to accept and adapt to change or uncertainty.


We can see that ISFP types are called explorers, not because they like to risk their lives or seek excitement, but because they like to explore the possibilities in life, enjoy every moment, and express it in their own unique way Own. ISFP types are true artists, and life itself is the canvas on which they create.

If you want to know more about ISFP types or other personality types, you can visit PsycTest to search for related keywords.

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Link to this article: https://www.psyctest.cn/article/vWx1865X/

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