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Are you a fool in the workplace?

Do you usually watch too many idol dramas? I always feel that Silly Baitian is always a lovable character. Everyone watched 'Ode to Joy' and as a newcomer in the workplace, Qiu Yingying became the target of complaints, which aroused public outrage and started tearing her apart. This shows that in real life, silly newcomers to the workplace are never treated favorably by their leaders and colleague...

What step do you have to take to successfully apply for a job?

'Difficulty in finding a job' has been a problem that many people have to face in the past few years. However, many people don't know why it is difficult for them to find a job. They obviously have good abilities and have many certificates, but they just can't find a good job. Is it just bad luck on your part, or do you still have some areas that need a little adjustment? Or is it actually somethi...

Choose one of the four pictures to test how real you are

Mental/Health 4 1 minute 1
We always say that we hope to see each other’s true side, but most of the time the connotation of this sentence is: the truth that can be accepted by each other. The two characters of authenticity and hypocrisy are, for some people, a means of controlling others, and for others, they are the last form of self-protection. How much of yourself are you in front of others and behind others? This test...

Fun test: Why do you never get reciprocated when you make friends sincerely?

When interacting with people, you always want to interact with them with a sincere heart. When you see delicious and fresh food, you always want to share it with them. Many times you will consider their needs, so you Why do you still get complaints from others when you treat others with sincerity? You will know the answer after testing it. Let’s take a fun test together!

How can you increase your popularity index?

In today's society, especially in China, interpersonal relationships are very important. From the time you are born, you have relationships with people. Contacting and getting to know people is just the preliminary work. A truly popular person lies in being able to maintain interpersonal relationships. How to maintain good relationships is the beginning of managing your popularity.

Girl, what kind of husband should you find?

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute
Everyone likes tall, rich and handsome people, right? But when it comes time to talk about marriage, everyone will find the one who suits them best. A tall, rich and handsome person is often just a specimen of a perfect love partner and should not be taken seriously. So, girl, what kind of husband should you find? Test it and see!

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