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Picture test: test your talent points

Mental/Health 5 1 minute 10
Talent has a huge impact on a person's life. Generally speaking, talent includes general abilities, such as talents in music, mathematics, or sports. Converting talents into skills requires training and learning. You have musical talent, and you have a relatively accurate sense of the melody, rhythm, etc. of music, but you cannot become a pianist or conductor with just these, and you must also und...

How successful can you be?

Character/Personality 1 1 minute 1
If anyone wants to accomplish something or have a successful life, he must set goals. With goals, our hard work will be more practical and meaningful, and we will have more sense of accomplishment in the process of achieving our goals. Setting goals also creates more motivation in life and work. Just like if you hold a magnifying glass and swing it around in the sun, nothing will happen. If you f...

Picture test: Test how strong your heart is?

Mental/Health 5 1 minute 1
Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. In life, it is inevitable to encounter setbacks. Some people are unable to recover, while others become more courageous with each setback. Why is there such a big difference? In fact, this is not because some people are talented, but depends on a very important factor - psychological endurance.

Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation

Mental/Health 4 1 minute 2
Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation
Western psychology has conducted empirical research on meaning in life for more than 40 years. Especially with the rise of the positive psychology movement, research on the meaning of life has seen a renaissance. Meaning in life is considered an important component and/or source of psychological well-being. A large number of empirical studies have found that meaning in life plays an important role...

WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test

Mental/Health 5 3 minute 7
WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test
Creativity is a comprehensive ability unique to human beings. It refers to the ability to generate new ideas, discover and create new things. Creativity is a psychological quality necessary for the successful completion of creative activities. It is composed of multiple factors such as knowledge, intelligence, ability and excellent personality qualities. Creativity is an important symbol that dis...

Career test: In which area can your leadership skills be most easily demonstrated?

Workplace/career 1 1 minute
Each of us will have more or less leadership skills. Some people’s leadership skills are reflected in the organizational ability between people. Some people are very talented in overall command. Some people are very talented in capital operations and numbers. Sensitive thinking is very strong, so in which area can your leadership skills be most easily reflected?

PDP Animal Personality Test | Free

Workplace/career 15 1 minute 17
PDP Animal Personality Test | Free
The PDP personality test, also known as the PDP animal personality test, is a professional personality analysis system, the full name is Professional DynaMetric Programs, or PDP for short. The PDP personality test was developed in the United States in 1978 and obtained invention patents from the University of Southern California and the University of Colorado. Over the past 35 years, this persona...

Career test: I am born with talents that will be useful. Will you be happy to meet a talented person in the workplace?

Workplace/career 2 1 minute
'There are Bole in the world, and then there are thousand-mile horses. There are always thousand-mile horses, but there are not always Bole.' There are actually two so-called noble people and Bole in life and career. One is yourself, and the other is someone who can appreciate you and is willing to support you. . On the road to development, we must first learn to recognize ourselves and give ours...

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